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November 20, 2020

St. Francis College


In 1859, newly-settled Franciscan Brothers established St. Francis Academy, the first private school in the Diocese of Brooklyn. The Academy was created to educate the boys of the Diocese, but twenty-five years later, trustees of the Academy were given proper permissions to establish a literacy college. In June 1885, St. Francis College granted its first Bachelor of Arts degree. Today, 135 years since its inception, the College has more than 2,600 students enrolled and 88,000 alumni.


In March 2020, recognizing the untapped fundraising opportunities with their network of alumni and friends, St. Francis engaged Changing Our World to strengthen their current Major Gifts Program over the course of twelve months. Changing Our World consultants were also engaged to advise College leadership on how to significantly advance all aspects of St. Francis’ philanthropic activities including, and not limited to events, Planned Giving, donor engagement and Board coaching.


To date, Changing Our World has worked with the College’s leadership and staff to conduct a series of in-depth meetings and interviews; collect and examine collateral materials and historical data; and, review the current systems and processes in place. As part of the data collection process, Changing Our World partnered with several departments at the College (e.g., Financial Aid, Student Affairs, etc.) to ensure all possible constituent data was collected to build out the predictive AI model. As the partnership continues, Changing Our World and St. Francis College are working to finalize a case for support developed around the College’s strategic plan; enhance and expand prospect pools using results from the predictive model and wealth screening conducted; and, further integrate fundraising efforts among the Office of the President, Office of Advancement and Board of Trustees. The work associated with this engagement is being done with an eye toward the future; identifying opportunities and laying the groundwork for continued – and additional – fundraising success.


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